A terminated quartz crystal point is commonly made use of in restorative healing. Pointed away from one's body, it forces harmful energies off of the your body. Aimed towards a person, it routes healing energies toward the body. Quartz crystal points have proven to be simply remarkable for family events given that they help you to harmonize and move into unison everybody in the array. These kinds of quartz crystals will also be a great help whenever in need of concentration, which can include whenever reading and studying, writing, business meetings or even in writing strategic business plans. In the event you have some other gemstones and crystals, the quartz crystal point have the ability to eliminate negative energies by resting them on the quartz crystal. quartz crystal points definitely will also greatly enhance and in many cases stimulate the energies of other crystals, stones or gemstones. Magical wands really are terrific healers when they interweave terminated quartz crystal into their energy. In case you might not have a Quartz Crystal Wand within your wand collection, then you definitely must give thought to including one. It's healing energies are amazing!
This excellent Wand measures approximately 11" in total length and has a quartz crystal attached to the tip. It is beautifully made with a pine main shaft and wrapped with solid copper wire. Please allow for minimal differences, as these are completely unique magical wands which are fabricated from natural materials.
Highlights of this spectacular Real Quartz Crystal Point Pagan Wand consists of:
~ A Quartz crystal point for directing warm waves of energy
~ Copper wire wrap for focusing energy
~ Pine Shaft for increasing healing energies
~ All natural materials used - no glues are used on these magic wands