During the course of the long lines of our history, copper was always linked with restoration. Should it be utilized in conjunction with crystals, it will become a dynamic Copper Wand. It has for ages been used to care for rheumatism and inflammation of a joint and as an all encompassing factor to renewal rituals and practices. As though this is not enough, copper is actually thought to give good luck to it's possessor. When put to use in rituals and spell craft based on bringing good luck, it can certainly amplify those energies.
According to age-old stories, copper is able to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, the mind, the spirit world, auras and crystals. It's also thought that copper has the power to enhance thoughts whenever sending and accepting clairvoyant messages. When used as a wand, copper has outstanding, concentrated power. Copper can be employed with success on all Chakras but is extremely effective on the first Chakra [the Base or Root Chakra] as well as the 4th Chakra [Chakra of the Heart] as preparation for meditating.
If you are aiming to enhance the power of stones or crystals, put them in or next to copper and their attributes will become much more potent. It is also true anytime copper touches our bodies, it's known to raise the vigor of ones own individual energy. Copper will even boost the energies of silver, gold and other precious metals when it is in touch with them.
The next few gemstones are actually but a few that can rise in power whenever placed in or next to copper:
A beautiful handcrafted Real Healing Magic Copper Wand with a small quartz crystal ball fixed to one end and a clear quartz crystal point on the other side of the wand. Small garnet gemstones are mounted on both ends, set in place into the silver circlets. The Real Magic Healing Copper Witch Wands are somewhere around 7 1/2" to 8" in overall length, with a bit of variation mainly because they are hand-made.